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Can the hospitality sector afford to go greener (or pay the price not to?)

From small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to corporate giants, adopting sustainable practices is no longer merely an ethical choice but a strategic necessity.

The dilemma for the hospitality sector is that their desire to ‘go greener’ comes with a price tag they simply can’t afford.

The big question is: can investing in reducing energy usage and carbon emissions really result in financial savings long term?

What does energy management mean to the hospitality sector?

The hospitality sector is vast, comprising restaurants, hotels, suppliers, warehouses, stadiums, pubs, and entertainment venues, to name a few. All these businesses need energy to run.

For smaller organisations, correctly managing energy consumption can be the difference between operating at a profit or loss in any given month. For larger companies, a small change in the day to day can make a massive financial impact over the year. Whichever way you cut it, money saved on energy goes straight to the profit line of the business.

We also know that consumers are increasingly opting to work with brands who display a commitment to net-zero targets. From a PR perspective, it’s becoming harder to reject the calls to adopt greener policy and practices.

What action should a business take if they are looking to reduce carbon, costs and consumption?

To effectively reduce carbon emissions and minimise environmental impact, businesses need clear, accurate data to gain insight into their operations.

Most business owners are too busy to become experts in the energy market, that’s why many are now opting to let technology do the hard work for them.

Pulse, an Energy Management System (EMS) offered by the Green Energy Advice Bureau (GEAB), is market-leading technology that fosters a data-driven approach to controlling energy consumption.

This technology enables businesses to work smarter, achieving the same results while using less energy. You can also control devices remotely using Pulse, so you can manage your energy usage from afar.

Pulse not only enhances environmental stewardship but also directly impacts the bottom line – what’s there not to like?

Some businesses have been managing their energy contracts successfully for years, why would they need Pulse?

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. That’s the message at GEAB when it comes to energy consumption.

Pulse isn’t just designed to help you understand your energy bill or meter readings, it actually provides businesses with unparalleled insights into energy usage, carbon footprint, and cost allocation, at circuit board level. This means examining what’s happening behind the meter. In other words, this technology gives you access to information you won’t have seen before.

Businesses don’t need to be an expert in analysis either – it’s a complex market and it’s hard to know what you’re looking for without years of training in the field. That’s why an Account Manager at GEAB will carry out the analysis for you, and communicate the changes you need to make to become more sustainable. They will also teach you to understand the readings so that you can use Pulse independently over time.

“The funny thing about energy consumption is that wastage often comes from the most obvious places,” says Liam Spence, Head of Sustainability at GEAB. “You’d be amazed at the things we’ve discovered using Pulse and the savings we’ve managed to make people. Sometimes it takes technology to tell you you’re leaving the lights on over the weekend!”

Liam has worked with businesses of all shapes and sizes to identify areas of wastage and reduce consumption.

The important thing to remember is, the smallest changes in operations can mean the biggest savings when implemented across the board.

Sustainability solutions are often expensive. What costs are involved with Pulse?

Normally, a business would need to fund the purchase and installation of the EMS. Depending on the size of the business, this can be a massive upfront cost, with no savings projections before the initial EMS readings. This means a business needs to invest without a concrete ROI.

GEAB believe that all businesses should have access to sustainability solutions and have therefore removed this financial barrier by offering Pulse hardware and installation without any capital expenditure.

GEAB have just recently PULSE at Doncaster Rovers, a high-consumption business with kitchens, kiosks, shops, bars and restaurants. Following the initial consultation with one of their Sustainability Managers, GEAB have been able to commit to a minimum of a 10% reduction in consumption and costs annually.

These savings can be directly attributed to the installation of Pulse.

Even without the upfront cost, it still seems like a big investment to install this technology. Is there a trial option?

Absolutely! GEAB offers businesses a free demonstration enabling them to test this technology and see the benefits for themselves, with no long-term commitment.

If you’re interested in a demonstration, get in touch here.

How else does GEAB help businesses manage their energy?

On top of sustainability solutions, GEAB are offering UKHospitality members a free energy consultation and bill validation to see if any of their other products or services can add value.

Make 2024 the year of energy efficiency for your business. Speak to one of our experts on: 0191 821 0026 or request a call back here.

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