Providing industry-specific copyright advice

Complying with copyright requirements is essential for hospitality businesses and we understand that it can be a complicated procedure to navigate.

That’s why we’re working on your behalf to ensure the system works as fairly as possible and providing industry specific guidance so you have all the information you need at your fingertips.

Motion Picture Licensing Corporation - TV licensing and accommodation

Our dedicated advice for members on the copyright tariffs set by the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation, which is a copyright collection body representing film studios and television production companies. Our advice covers both 'bar and restaurant' and 'guest rooms' tariffs.

MPLC (TV licensing and accommodation)

PPL – Specially Featured Entertainment tariff

Following the introduction of a Specially Featured Entertainment (SFE) tariff by PPL, members can access exclusive guidance about the tariff and the transitional arrangements in place in our guide.

PPL – Specially Featured Entertainment tariff