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Navigating the hospitality sector: Insights from CiC’s engagement

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CiC has engaged with the hospitality industry, offering support to hundreds of organisations for over a decade.

This vibrant industry has many individuals from working-class backgrounds, grappling with economic and mental challenges intensified by the scarcity of support systems, educational opportunities, and access to professional services.

In an Industry built from the ground up, spans class, is every changing and competitive to it’s core, it’s not surprising that a host of complex challenges and stresses walk hand-in hand with this diverse and exciting working environment.

Common challenges and underlying traumas

Our interactions span a range of issues, from substance abuse and alcohol-related concerns to instances of self-harm, suicidal tendencies, and workplace-related assaults. Delving deeper, it’s apparent that many individuals carry the scars of complex childhood traumas and neglect, further compounding their present struggles.

Particularly in the lower-tier hotel sector, another layer of trauma emerges, stemming from the reality of encountering guests who end their lives on the premises or providing shelter to homeless individuals grappling with intricate mental health challenges. Our counsellors have observed a lack of industry awareness about the impact of traumatic events on individuals, hindering the establishment of measures to prevent re-traumatisation among affected employees when faced with subsequent events

Throughout our history, we have delivered wellbeing Programmes to over 500 organisations and 200,000 people in the hospitality sector. In the past decade, of the 20,998 requests for support, over 16,000 of individuals engaged with our counsellors. In the past 18 months alone, we’ve provided 5,361 clinical sessions to hospitality professionals – we understand what people in hospitality are going through. Our data indicates that stress, anxiety, and depression are significant concerns for the industry. Notably, 44% of hospitality workers report feeling isolated without anyone to discuss their mental health at work with 59% saying they’ve never had any mental health awareness training.

Aiding transformation: Our approach

In response, offering a clinically lead safe haven for individuals to share their experiences is fundamental to a productive and collaborative working environment. Education about the manifestations of trauma in the body, recognising as well as understanding its effects supports a narrative towards wellbeing, especially in a notoriously predominantly male dominated industry.

Manifestations from a physiological perspective can take on the following symptoms:

  • Loss of breath or a feeling of breathlessness,
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Feeling nauseous or lack of appetite
  • Sweaty palms and increased perspiration
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Goosebumps
  • Restlessness and an inability to sleep or disrupted sleep
  • Mind racing

Working closely with each individual, our counsellors delve into uncharted territories, exploring the support required, often uncovering needs not previously considered. Leveraging our expertise, we bridge social gaps, empowering people to make informed decisions and providing them with tools to engage with support avenues effectively.

Providing a lifeline through waiting periods

As individuals navigate the waiting periods for secondary services, CiC stands as a reassuring presence. Our engagement surpasses checkbox exercises inquiring about their mental state at a specific moment – we are deeply committed to the person behind those responses, invested in their wellbeing and recovery.

Empowering managers and organisations

Beyond individual support, support for managers is crucial. Empower managers by facilitating regular training sessions, thereby equipping them to manage critical incidents internally. This training enlightens managers about how our services can aid their teams, educating them on the manifestations of PTSD and signs of distress to watch out for in their employees.