News / Press release / Regulations

UKHospitality responds to spiking consultation

Responding to the consultation on amending Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 to include reference to drink spiking, UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said:

“Keeping customers safe is our top priority and the sector will continue working with the Government, established partnership schemes and police on safeguarding customers and staff. Any incident of spiking is completely unacceptable and all operators will be working to ensure they do all they can to prevent any incidents.

“Thankfully, incidents are typically isolated cases, and the Government has recognised it is not a widespread issue for most licensed premises.

“Should any additional conditions be placed on licences, it’s paramount that these are evidence-based and are not blanket conditions placed on all licences or categories of premises, irrespective of any specific evidence of spiking.

“UKHospitality will work with the Government on any potential revisions to the section 182 licensing guidance to ensure that where problems exist, evidence-based targeted action can be taken, and that the ongoing effective partnership working around spiking and customer and staff safety can be more widely promoted within the sector.”